
About Coup Detroit

There is no better way to enjoy summer in Detroit than to attend a music concert. Sweet, sweet sunlight and music in the air is the best way to bask when the sunny months come around. To make it easier for music lovers, we created Coup Detroit. Now instead of searching various sites to know which concert is being held at which venue and at what time, Coup Detroit offers all the information at one place.

We are the single platform you need to know all about music awards, converts and venues in the city. We are the ultimate calendar because we have access to the best outdoor concerts and festivals in Detroit. When you want to know which artist is playing at the waterfront venues to how to get tickets for a show in golden-era theatres, Coup Detroit is with you all the way.

We make you part of the entertainment scene cause we know that music is incomplete without people to enjoy it. So from jazz nights on Wednesday at the Chene Park Amphitheatre to Techno music at the annual electronic music concert, we are ready to help you decide which to attend and how to reach there.

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Few Updates from Musical Events

Recent from the Blog

August 29, 2019
Image of a crowd surfing in the musical concert.

Marketing Your Musical Band Made Easy

Superb Ways To Make Your Band Popular Many things determine the success and failure of musical bands and groups. Making beautiful music, writing fantastic songs, and […]
August 27, 2019
An Image A Lead Guitarist escalates the show with other instrument artists.

How to start your own band and make it successful?

Practice all the time To be successfully playing in a group depends on your talents, abilities and musical skills. These can be developed well by practising […]
August 26, 2019
Image showing a crowd of people enjoying the concert.

Outdoor Music Festivals- Things To Know

The Trendiest Guide to Attending Music Festivals When you are all set to have fun at one of the uber cools music festivals, you need to […]
August 22, 2019
Image Representing The Rocking Performance of a musical band.

Learn how to perform on stage

Singing on stage with character It’s not just a combination of language and music, singing on stage requires you to be aware of your space and […]